Sunday, February 22, 2009

Noble Theme

My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king."
Psalm 45:1

As this chapter of my life progresses, I'm beginning to notice a recurring theme at work in my life and in my heart. Love. Love, love, love. Maybe it's just that it's the month of February, so naturally the topic would ensue. But I've spent many a lonely Valentine's Days, and I daresay I've done a pretty good job of ignoring the day altogether, or at least standing in obstinance for singles everywhere by painting my nails black and adorning myself in an all-black attire. But that's another story.

In any case, I just don't think it has anything to do with the ever-beloved holiday. First it was the road trip, and the overwhelming feeling of my Creator's love for me that came along with it. And now it seems that everything is just flowing out of that, as if I'm being prepared for something without my knowing. I can tell this is a most valuable lesson, and I'm determined not to miss out on what I'm supposed to be getting out of this time in my life.

After my trip, simply the word 'love' is blatantly obvious to me in songs that I've heard at least a thousand times. I'm finding all-new meaning in them, and in Christ's love for me. To bring the theme to a new height, even today as I sat in church, the message of Love was right in my face. And I know, I know, it is February. Of course every sermon series is going to be focusing on love. But really, I can't shake the sense that it isn't just coincidence. It is all tying together, just for me. There is something I'm supposed to be grasping out of this. I love that feeling more than anything. The one where you realize that all the chaos and seemingly random incidences of your life are actually culminating to one grand purpose, even if that purpose is still yet unknown. I love realizing it all makes sense.

Anyway, it was Week 2 of this particular series entitled "The Vow of Pursuit." Right now I'm completely captivated with how God loves us, and how that love is then translated and mirrored in our relationships with people. It's such a great gift He gives us, really. This sermon couldn't have been more in line with where my heart is and what I'm learning. God is good.

united - dabaq (daw-bak') : cling or adhere; to catch by PURSUIT, pursue hard with affection AND devotion.

I think that basically captures the heart of what every girl wants. Every girl. Ever. And it's in the Bible! Awesome. It reminds me of this song by Bethany Dillon:

I want to be pursued.
Gaze into my eyes,
And let me know you'd fight thousands for my love.
Slip your hand in mind,
Ask me to dance with you tonight.
Just ask me for my love.

I love that. I love all of this. And I love the picture of how Christ pursues us. Wow, my words are so insufficient here. More on this later.

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