Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Someone told me tonight that those who wait, doing things (college) at a slower pace, often end up more successful. I think he's right. In fact, I'm banking on it. Not success from the typical wealth or power standpoint, but more of a fulfillment. You see, I'm a firm believer in purpose; I believe that each of us are born with an innate, God-given purpose. Granted some don't recognize or acknowledge it as given by God, but it is there nonetheless. And I believe that when a person is fully awakened to that purpose for which he is here, and is living it out, there he will find himself most content, most satisfied. And it is precisely that purpose that I am waiting to discover, and probably not so patiently most of the time. But honestly, I'd rather wait it out, taking each day step-by-step for now, rather than end up missing the purpose my life created to fulfill.

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